Support Admin Tools for Jira Server & Datacenter

Support Admin Tools for Jira Server & Datacenter

General Information




Server & Datacenter




automatize some typical admin actions



With this Jira add-on your Jira Administrators will be more happier! This is an extension for your Jira to automatize some typical admin actions, like search for custom field and know the customfield_id, for workflow, for IssueType, to copy/paste and duplicate settings in customfield config, to put fields in multiple screens in the same tab, to hide IssueTypes with 0 tickets in workflow & issuetype schemes migrations... very useful sure! We use it each day! No configuration is needed; only install it, that's all! Plug'n'play.

You will be able also to put a banner countdown for maintenance purposes!

Install addon

After download the JAR, install using the link in Manage apps page, search addon as show in following GIF


General Configuration

No Configuration is needed.


This addon add a special button on top right

This button is provided in :

Issue type

We can search quickly own issue type and reference information we need.


we can search own workflow


The same operation is possible for screen too



In this case, addon adds quick link to each field for quick reference every action.


This addon add a special feature for Banner. We can set a countdown with few click.

Most important features

Another important feature of this addon is the possibility of copy/paste contexts of Custom Fields. It’s very easy. Follow me and I will explain all secrets

This GIF describe how arrive to the right Jira configuration page ( New UI experience change all )

As we see, Addon add new functionalities after click the button: JiraSupport

  • Load Projects

  • Load Types

  • Save Types Options

  • Save Project Options

Once select the new configuration, just Save Type Options and Save Project Options to save (See the previous GIF).

Another great features is a great help for Workflow migration. Let me explain. If you change the Workflow Scheme, out-of-the-box wizard list all issue type, also issue type not used or involved in migration.

The following youtube video describe the result:

Well, using addon we can reduce th elist of issue type to only involved in migration. So we can be focused in real work. This is a great result.


Enlarge Your Excel Export feature

Just create a export for more than 10,000 issues as shown in following GIF:



As we see, a new entry is present in Export menù. After select own issues, well we can select this new entry and extract own Excel. Html format can be managed both with browser and Excel.


(*) JIRA can be configured to increase the limit or bypass it altogether.


Here is a brief explanation of each configuration property:

  • jira.search.views.default.max - This is the maximum value of issues exported by default when exporting/requesting a search result.

  • jira.search.views.max.limit - This defines the maximum limit for all users, regardless of modifications on the referred URL. (or with the plugin Enlarge Excel Export)

  • jira.search.views.max.unlimited.group - This property sets up a group that will be able to request an unlimited number of issues on a search result. 

You can use these configuration properties to override the default behavior. This is done by editing a file in your JIRA Home Directory, "jira-config.properties".

  1. First, if the jira-config.properties file does not exist in your JIRA Home Directory then create it.

  2. Add the override properties to the config file. Example: 

    jira.search.views.default.max=2000 jira.search.views.max.limit=10000 jira.search.views.max.unlimited.group=jira-administrators
    1. Restart JIRA.
      The example configuration increases the default result limit to 1500 issues. Users can modify URLs to export up to 2000 records. Members of the jira{{-administrators}} group can modify URLs to export an unlimited number of records


A great Addon


Videos and Resources

Here some video about addon. Enjoy.

How to know the ID of a customfield, resolution, status, etc for Jira

How to put a countdown in the Announcement banner of Jira

Jira Server workflow migration help!! Using Support Admin Tools plugin

Release Notes

  • 2022-08-25 ready new version compatible with Jira Datacenter (Atlassian standards approved)

  • 2023-01-22 "Enlarge Your Excel Export for Jira" App features are now included in "Support Admin Tools for Jira Datacenter" because the end of Jira Server

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